As fresh water conservation has become increasingly critical, recycled water is being used now more than ever for watering
golf courses, parks, sports fields and other turf applications. The problem created is that effluent water is treated to be safe for
human contact, but that doesn't mean that the water chemistry is optimal for use as irrigation water. Long-term use of poor quality
water has been proven to lead to poor soil structure, which can severely degrade the quality and stress resistance of turf and
ultimately wastes water due to poor penetration and excessive runoff. By injecting high-grade gypsum at the treatment plant,
downstream users will benefit from the calcium-enriched water which
neutralizes sodium and bicarbonates, improves soil penetration and promotes the
long term health and growth of all turf, plants and trees. |
The Aqua-Ject® system is a state-of-the-art machine which handles and injects dry bulk solution grade gypsum. It is operated
onsite via touch-screen controls, or remotely via a modem equipped PLC. This injection system is specifically designed to handle
even the most extreme weather environments with a level of accuracy and reliability never before achieved in the industry.The patented Aqua-Ject® equipment and patented process continuously monitors flow rate and/or chemistry data and then automatically adjusts the injection
rate to precisely maintain a desired water treatment level. It is quiet, OSHA approved and virtually maintenance-free.